| 1. | Collaborative organization dedicated to conserving and restoring the rare native plants of the united states -原住民族对植物的认知与使用保育植物的知识。 |
| 2. | Bamboo is the only non - native plant at the austin center that continues to grow with vigor and vitality 竹子是奥斯汀道场里唯一的外来植物,并充满生命力地成长茁壮。 |
| 3. | This garden has the best collection of native plants . in addition , it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas 这座花园有当地植物的最佳珍藏。另外,它还有无数来自海外的花草树木。 |
| 4. | A list of native plant species is also being prepared to promote the use of native species for soft landscaping works 此外我们亦正在编制一份关于本地植物种类的资料,鼓励采用本地植物以美化园林。 |
| 5. | More than 40 % of the invasive species had a chemical unknown to native plants ; just over 10 % of the non - invasive aliens had such a chemical 40 %以上的入侵物种含有一种土产植物所没有的化学物质,仅10 %多一点的非入侵外来物种含此物质。 |
| 6. | Wildwatch 调查 . according to warren sheather , adding native plants , water , rocks and logs will welcome birds , frogs , lizards and insects to your yard 根据拥挤的地方护套,增加本国的植物,水,摇和元木将欢迎鸟,青蛙,蜥蜴和到你的院子的昆虫。 |
| 7. | Their hypothesis was that highly invasive species would have chemical weapons not found in native plants , and which pests , parasites and other plants would therefore not have evolved any resistance to 他们推断,具有高度入侵性的物种拥有土产植物所缺少的“化学武器” ,对这种化学武器,害虫、寄生虫及其它植物都不能产生任何抵抗力。 |
| 8. | In summary , the exotic species can affect native bird species in four main ways , 1 ) predation of birds or eggs by the exotic mammals ; 2 ) competition for habitats and foods with exotic birds , and loss of genetic diversity by hybridization with the closely - related exotic species ; 3 ) direct and indirect alterations of native habitats and food resources , and predation by the exotic invertebrates ; and 4 ) loss and fragmentation of habitats for native birds through altering species composition and structure of native plant communities by exotic plants 外来生物对鸟类的影响主要表现在以下几方面: ( 1 )外来哺乳动物对成鸟、幼鸟或鸟卵的捕食作用; ( 2 )外来鸟类与本地鸟类竞争栖息地和食物资源,与当地的近缘种杂交而造成基因流失; ( 3 )外来无脊椎动物改变本地鸟类的栖息环境和食物状况,甚至直接捕食本地鸟类; ( 4 )外来植物入侵改变入侵地的植物群落组成和结构,造成本地鸟类的栖息地丧失或破碎化,并通过改变入侵地生态系统的食物链结构而对高营养级的鸟类产生影响。 |